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What is National Grandparents Day?

Aug 18, 2023

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2 Minute Read

The Origins and Significance

National Grandparents Day was officially recognized in the United States in 1978 when President Jimmy Carter proclaimed it a national holiday. However, its roots can be traced back to the efforts of Marian McQuade, a West Virginian woman, who had a vision to bring families together across generations. Her aim was to encourage the young to tap into the wisdom and heritage of their elders, fostering a sense of unity and gratitude that transcends age.

A Time for Celebrating Connections

At its core, National Grandparents Day is a celebration of intergenerational relationships—the sharing of stories, experiences, and unconditional love that flows between grandparents and their grandchildren. It's a day to pause amidst the busyness of life and acknowledge the role that these elder family members have in shaping our values, perspectives, and identity.

Ways to Celebrate

While the day's observance may vary from family to family, there are several meaningful ways to celebrate National Grandparents Day:

Spending Quality Time:

One of the most precious gifts you can give your grandparents is your time. Engage in activities that they enjoy, whether it's cooking a family recipe together, going for a walk, or simply sharing a cup of tea and conversation.

Creating Handmade Gifts:

Handmade crafts or heartfelt letters can be incredibly meaningful. Creating something personal shows your grandparents that you've put thought and effort into expressing your appreciation.

Sharing Stories:

Grandparents are often the bearers of family history and tales. Take this opportunity to ask them about their experiences, childhood memories, and life lessons. You might learn something new and gain insights into your family's heritage.  One of the greatest means to share your loved one's life story or gifts for grandparents is Kindred Tales, which we'll get to in just a moment.

Capturing Memories:

If possible, consider recording an interview with your grandparents, capturing their stories, advice, and anecdotes. This can become a treasured keepsake for future generations.

Organizing a Family Gathering:

Bringing the whole family together can be a heartwarming way to celebrate. Host a picnic, barbecue, or a simple dinner where different generations can connect and share their experiences.

Volunteering Together:

Giving back to the community as a family can be a wonderful way to honor the spirit of togetherness that National Grandparents Day embodies.

Preserve Your Legacy with Kindred Tales: Crafting Cherished Keepsake Books

Hardcover Kindred Tales Memoir containing a couple's life story

In the enchanting journey of life, our experiences, stories, and wisdom intertwine to create a tapestry of memories. As the custodians of these invaluable tales, we have the power to ensure they are passed down to future generations. Introducing "Kindred Tales"—a revolutionary platform that empowers you to capture, preserve, and share the stories that matter most.
"Kindred Tales" is more than just a platform—it's your ally in crafting a timeless keepsake book that encapsulates your unique journey. With a blend of innovative technology and heartfelt storytelling, Kindred Tales provides you with the tools you need to transform your memories into a tangible treasure.

We understand that beginning the process of memoir writing can be overwhelming. That's why Kindred Tales presents you with weekly prompts carefully tailored to ignite your creativity and guide your storytelling. Each prompt serves as a gentle nudge, inviting you to delve into the recesses of your memories and extract the gems that deserve to be immortalized.

At the heart of Kindred Tales is also an AI companion that's always ready to assist you. This intuitive assistant can help you shape your thoughts, conduct interviews, and even draft portions of your memoir. With the AI companion by your side, the process of capturing your stories becomes not just manageable, but truly enjoyable.

With Kindred Tales, storytelling is a seamless experience. You have the flexibility to choose your preferred method of responding to prompts. Whether it's using our classic editor, replying to our emails, or conversing with our AI assistant, you're in control of how your stories come to life.

Imagine flipping through the pages of a beautifully crafted keepsake book, each one filled with moments that have shaped your life. Kindred Tales allows you to transform your responses to prompts into a cohesive narrative. Add photographs, artwork, and personal touches to make your memoir a work of art that resonates with your unique voice.

Your stories are meant to be shared, and Kindred Tales provides you with the means to do just that. Once your keepsake book is complete, you can choose to share it with loved ones during special occasions or family gatherings. Your memoir becomes a bridge that connects generations, passing on wisdom, lessons, and the essence of who you are.


Preserve Your Loved Ones Stories with Kindred Tales

The Ideal gift for any grandparent or parent, Kindred Tales will help turn your loved one's most loved memories into a beautiful hardcover book to be cherished for generations.

Preserve Your Loved Ones Stories with Kindred Tales

The Ideal gift for any grandparent or parent, Kindred Tales will help turn your loved one's most loved memories into a beautiful hardcover book to be cherished for generations.

Preserve Your Loved Ones Stories with Kindred Tales

The Ideal gift for any grandparent or parent, Kindred Tales will help turn your loved one's most loved memories into a beautiful hardcover book to be cherished for generations.

Preserve Your Loved Ones Stories with Kindred Tales

The Ideal gift for any grandparent or parent, Kindred Tales will help turn your loved one's most loved memories into a beautiful hardcover book to be cherished for generations.