In the news
Kindred Tales recognized as a top last-minute gift that doesn't look like an afterthought by Hearst Media's Best Products
How it works
Inspiring writing prompts every week
After a year of recording your stories, we'll publish them in a beautiful hardcover keepsake book.
An AI helping hand when you need it
With the power of AI, let us relieve the difficulty of typing with our speech-to-text transcription service or help you get over writer's block with an interview with our AI Biographer.
Guided Prompts for Meaningful Stories
Receive 52 carefully designed questions in your inbox to help capture your loved ones' most precious memories
See some examples
AI-Powered Narrative Assistance
Our AI Biographer, Ali, brings forgotten stories to life through personalized interviews, transforming responses into compelling stories with ease.
Click to learn more about Ali AI
Effortless Speech-to-Text Transcription
No typing required! Our speech-to-text feature allows your loved ones to effortlessly share their life story by simply speaking, making storytelling easy and accessible.
Premium Hardcover Quality
Receive a beautifully crafted hardcover book featuring high-quality materials we brag about, that last for generations.
Flexible Story Submission Options
Contribute stories about your life via email, speech-to-text transcription, an Ali AI interview, or directly through our online platform
As seen on
Exceptional Quality
When you gift Kindred Tales, know that your loved one will receive a book, meant to last for generations. Each book is constructed with a high quality matte finish, color ink, a strong binding, and the most durable paper offered today.
Backed by a 30 day guarantee
Write your own prompt or invite family to submit a personalized topic to have a truly customized experience.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
How did you meet the love of your life?